As one of the largest interior design studios in the greater Sacramento area, Lionakis’ interior designers have a mission to help clients make their spaces flexible, pleasant and beautiful.
We know that your ability to express yourself and your personality at work contributes towards how happy you are at work in the long run. After all, on average, you spend more time at work than you do at your house (or the gym)! How do you express yourself at the office through your design space? Here are some ideas and things we see around Lionakis workspaces:
Artwork or photographs of pets, family and friends
Fresh flowers, or potted plants
Favorite mugs or souvenirs from places you have traveled
Inspiration or mood boards from projects you’ve worked on or are working on
We asked our Interiors Associate Principal, Bret Harper what he does to express his personality through his workspace:
“Express my personality?! I don’t know what that means.”
“Okay, joking aside, I really am an adoptee of the Agile Workplace Model. My desk is a touchdown point; a place I can be around the other designers where spontaneous conversation enhances project collaboration. But when I need to focus, my workstation is my laptop and my workspace is anywhere in the office that conforms to my task at the time. That may be our Lobby where I meet casually with someone, seated at informal furniture and with the streaming sunlight, or our informal huddle room, or any number of spaces I can tuck away and focus on a deadline. For me the ‘personality’ of my workspace is whatever space I choose.
This is more than ‘trendy’. Flexibility continues to be one of the most enduring trends in workplace design, and that means we are in meetings, collaborating with clients, on job sites, and following the Agile Workplace Model by working wherever productivity and creativity can be maximized. So where does this leave the expression of personality in our workstations? It means for most people, that as they do become more agile and stations become more open for teams as a touchdown or heads-down space, and just one of the many spaces we work throughout the office, that people are bringing in items that bring personal joy to them–often reminders of their work-life balance, and something that speaks to who they are.”
Below are some of the things the interior designers at Lionakis surround themselves with, to remind them and others of who they are.
Click here to learn more about Bret and if and when you’re ready to express yourself at Lionakis, check out our careers page for our current opportunities – we can’t wait to learn more about your personal and professional style.